Saturday, 7 July 2012

Bro's 21st birthdayyy..

So it’s my brother’s 21st birthday on Wednesday. Time flies……he’s already 21 yrs old!! To me he still feels like those teenagers, in the mid 10s. The family had a mini celebration for him at Ritz Carlton – Green House. He invited some of his closest friends along for the celebration.

Food was pretty okay…& with the 1-1 promotion for ladies only on a Wednesday night, it’s super worth it lahs!! Approx $30++ per lady only. If I’m not wrong, there is still card promotion on top of this 1-1 promo (*not too sure what card though, perhaps can call to enquire). Men get to enjoy 15% off; whereas for the odd lady out, she can enjoy 25% off :))) 值得, 值得, 值得!!

If only my grandma is around to celebrate this special day with my bro, it would be much more prefect :’(( Ah ma is the only person my bro love & respect the MOST……guess this is what he hopes for as well :’( Sighhhhzzzzzz….

Sad stuffs aside~~ Honestly I wouldn’t say that I’m in very close terms with my 2 younger brothers (perhaps due to our age gap, gender & character), but because it’s his 21st birthday & the day he is moving into adulthood…I really wish him a bright & thriving future ahead (how not close, also have one family, flowing the same blood from our parents mahs). Hope he can grow up to be a better man, & have more responsibility to his family & own future. Also, hoping he will become more sensible & not just playing his computer games daily & doing stuffs that make my parents worry.  Really anticipating this day when I feel that he is really mature enough in handling & tackling the day-to-day issues & most importantly, that our siblings relationship will improve as we age :DDDDD


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