Sunday, 15 July 2012

Meetup w/my CHIIIOOOBUU girlfriend & Uncle Sean

I realise most of my blog entries are all on, & still foood!! :(( No wonder I've such a depressing figure *cries* anw, i'm trying to cut down on my food intake now, snack less & eat more healthily with less carbs. But of cos I wun restrict myself too much to the extend that I need to think thrice before consuming sth (wells, i probably cant resist duhz..)  Super badly need to shed off those chunks of excess fatssss everywhere on my body!! I want to fit into a normal UK8 & more BS's clothings (hmmmm means more spending??) comfortably lahs!! I want to look slimmer, tonner, prettier & nicer!!!  #determination 

Finally get to meet up with my chio chio gf & Uncle Sean on Friday for a dinner. Have not met them like almost 4mths, ever since i left my previous company..definitely so much to update each other :)

Was deciding between Fullhouse @Rendezvous Gallery or Sauce @Esplanade & was glad we settled for the former, despite the average food served. The ambience of the place is pretty sweeet & romantic. Fullhouse is actually a Theme Cafe with the Fullhouse family, Daddy Thomas, Mummy Tracy, children Tiffani and Tony, as well as pet dog Toy as hosts. You can visit their whole "house" & camwhore with ur friends/loved ones with the "props" available without feeling awkward. In fact that is what everybody is doing - CAMWHORING away!! Recommended place for the camwhores especially....hmmmm perhaps this would be a good place for the next S.H.O.P.A.H.O.L.I.C's gathering yay?? Maybe I shld arrange one soon!! Definitely bringing brulee & my friends to visit this place again :DDDD

Food served was pretty average only. So you can give this place a miss if you are not a camwhore freak or if you are a food guru.

din realise the wording changes colour..

 Tony welcomes YOU :)

 the interior when you step in - SOOO PRETTY!!

 a swing outside

 doves along the balcony

our so-so food. Rating: 5-6/10

 Fullhouse Theme Cafe
9 Bras Basah Road
#01-04 & #02-02/3
Rendezvous Gallery 
Singapore 189559 
Tel: 6336 6328

For my chio chio gf: I understand how u feel & what you are going through now. I've gone thru' it too...believe me!! What you need right now is just TIME, & ur friendssss :) Not matter is 1 week, 1 month, 1 yr or more....just let your heart heals & follow it once again. As i mentioned to u alot of times, you dun lack. What's yours will be yours eventually. Let fate do everything for you yay?? :) Give mi a ring or WA me when you need accompany. Pls EATTTTT MOREEEEE kk. Wan to see you fatter for our next gathering. ♥ you~


  1. what uncle sean siah... brother sean is better... lolx

  2. OMMMGGGGG u are reading my blogggggg!! LOL:p

  3. Hi, tried to ask you qns on form spring but not able to do so. would like to kn if you purchase any lace top frm AE? what size would u take? i am abut your size,and i cant decide.

    1. Hi babe!!

      which lace top in particular are u referring to? maybe u can show me the pic so I can gauge better for you? :)

  4. Thanks for always being here for me babe <3 I LURVEEEEEEE YOU!

  5. Hi

    Their latest collection, Lace top in Aqua frm AE. Their measurement. Size S. pit to pit - 13 inches, length 21.5, Size M :pit to pit - 14 inches, length 22 inches. i am much concern about the pit to pit. Thanks in adv. oh, btw did u only allow those who have form spring acc to ask you qns? i dont have any acc but if so, i am prepare to open the acc cos i love asking u qns about clothing's.. :)

    1. Hi babe!! The ptp for this top seems rather small. If I would to opt, it would be Size M for sure. Usually I wear the largest available sizes for AE clothings :(( I'm guessing I shld be able to squeeze into this top SNUGLY :S

      btw i've chng my FS settings, sorry for the inconvenience caused to you :( Glad that I'm able to help u in the sizing :) Have a great day ahead babe :D

  6. HI Candice,

    Thanks for your advise. I will sign up FS so that it will be easier for me to ask you qns on clothing's because i am about your size. Okay, gg to sign up now.. see you at FS soon.. *wave*

    1. no prob dear :) glad that i'm able to help you :DD seeya at FS!! tell mi ur nick kk :D
