Whenever it comes to darlin’s birthday, it will be a lil’ stressful…firstly cos of the presents to get her & secondly, ensuring she will have a wonderful celebration with us. But all thanks to bff’s planning; everything seems to be at ease. From the presents selection to the staycation location & the decoration of the room. Without her, I doubt I can manage it alone. THANKIEW AGNES :*)
Settled with Gallery Hotel for darlin’s birthday staycation. Wanted MBS initially cos I’m able to get some really good rates but too bad it is fully booked on the dates we want :( else we could have enjoy the infinity pool, tasty bkfast & the super big room!!
Agnes & I met up on several occasions beforehand to search for presents & discuss on the making of the scrapbook. Lucky for Agnes once again, scrapbooking is completed without much effort :DDDD Scrapbooking is nice, but the making of scrapbook is not only costly but SUPER strenuous!!! The nerve-wracking part is to come out with the different designs to decorate the book :SSSSS I seriously suck in that. Only completed 1 full scrapbook for brulee on our 1yr anniversary!!
As for the present, we bought her a set of gym attire since she is always packed with activities after work, from floor-ball to zumba to running……& just recently involve in a “diet bet” with Agnes to lose to XXkg by yr end. HAHAHAHAHHAHA!! The bet is pretty awesome; winner get sponsored by loser to BKK, every cost all in!! *WOW WOW WOW*
So, luckily, everything went rather
anw, i know i know my darlin enjoyed her birthday with all of us :D Right darlin?? (if u r reading my post :p)
camwhoring with the green(darlin's fav colour) & white helium filled balloons..
which we hand-carry to the hotel :|
which we hand-carry to the hotel :|
the bed which 4 gals managed to squeeze on that night....
the walk-way...the bath area..
anw, all the canned drinks in the fridge all consumable FOC :DDD
anw, all the canned drinks in the fridge all consumable FOC :DDD
the not cheap but very YUMMMMMMY cake!! *Highly recommended*
her hidden present....
my darlin looks sooo happy & exceptionally sweeeet in all the photos taken :))
her bouquet of flowers - organic brocolli that day. HAHAHAHA!!
task given to her: to state all the venue of the photos taken
photos to be pasted on the scrapebook on the spot.
that explains why our scrapebook is so easy..just paste some bkground papers
on the scrapebook & the rest of the things are done on the day itself;
that explains why our scrapebook is so easy..just paste some bkground papers
on the scrapebook & the rest of the things are done on the day itself;
task given to her again: find her hidden present!!
search..search..search hi-&-low..
come out of the bathroom 10mins later with this digital weighing scale;
which she needs badly for her weight loss program;
search..search..search hi-&-low..
come out of the bathroom 10mins later with this digital weighing scale;
which she needs badly for her weight loss program;
& hoping this is her real present -.-|||
went for swim soaking the next morning.
very cold. brrrrrrrr......
the bdae gal took almost 15mins to get herself "warmup";
the bdae gal took almost 15mins to get herself "warmup";
to mention she is in fact qualified life-saver -.-||||
FINALLY found her present, with the obious clues provided!!
a full set of sports attire :) from Adidas..
the completed scrapebook :D
timer shots.....
note the 2nd gal from the left...she is just FULL of expressions!!
*jaw-drop* HAHAHAHHAHA
Brunch @Boomarang
“Boomarang Benedict” / Eggs Florentine - $17
The Ashes - $22
the toast that come along when u order "The Ashes"
Buttermilk Pancakes - $12
Pepper Pork Burger - $22
Place is fully packed/reserved with
60 Robertson Quay
60 Robertson Quay
#01-15 The Quayside
Singapore 238252
Singapore 238252
Tel: +65 6738 1077
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