Thursday 14 March 2013

CNY + Birthday Celebration w/Poly Clique

Every year, my birthday will be celebrate together with CNY get-2-gether session with the poly clique; whereas with the baby boy, it will be valentine's + birthday. That's why I'm loving the month of February; I name it as my month :)

Watami @Raffles City for dinner, & it was a wrong choice. Apparently the staffs weren't attentive & were slow to our requests >:( 

HUATTTTT ahhhh..

After dinner, darlin suddenly whipped out a box of cupcakes. Those aren't normal cupcakes that can be bought off the stores, but cupcakes that are specially baked just for me; from with ♥♥♥. So 感动 cos she took leave just to bake this, & if my memory doesn't fail me, this is the first time someone bake something for me :')

THANK YOU darlin for everything & the ♥♥♥

Can you tell that these cupcakes are baked just from the 1st attempt??
No previous experience of baking or trial attempt before-hand at all!!!
From the vanilla & chocolate cupcake base, to the cream & the toppings;
all by ♥♥♥
Of cos, they tasted pretty good base on the first attempt.
I would give a 9.5/10 for the cream, toppings & 脉象;
& a 8/10 for the cake itself cos I prefer sth more moist.
But I  guess is cos the cupcakes were refrigerated beforehand..
if only I could microwave it before eating, it'll be a 10/10 :)

Let me present you all....
Darlin's very effort & ♥♥♥ cupcake process :''')

my 2nd SURPRISE & bouquet within Feb :)

Bless to have this friends who came into my life 10 years ago <3

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